Our Approach

Each school identifies 15 young people for one of our programmes

Young people are invited to take part in the programme at a meeting in school

Parents/carers are invited to a meeting after school

Monthly personal development events and activities during school time

Celebration and award events

Personal development events and activities include…

  • Workshops – Skills-based activities e.g. public speaking.
  • Experiences – Visits to inspiring places in the region e.g. cultural and heritage centres, businesses and community organisations.
  • Activities – Which are collaborative and build character and resilience
  • Role models – With positive attitudes and behaviours
  • Feedback and affirmation – Positive affirmation and encouraging, relevant, feedback
  • Communication – Parents/carers meetings and regular positive feedback to families
  • Guidance – High quality, relevant, information, advice and guidance

How we work

We are also focused on skills and knowledge, and pathways to continuing education or better jobs.

Each group of 12-15 young people is led by one member of staff, who stays connected with them and their parents/carers from the beginning to the end of the programme.


Throughout our programmes, we challenge young people’s perceptions of themselves and what they can achieve, give positive, specific feedback to help them bring out their best attitudes and behaviours, and encourage optimism – a simple word, with a powerful impact.

We work in school time so that no-one misses out, but we don’t work in the school building. Instead, we take young people to new environments where they can experience, and see themselves in, different roles – from theatre attender to engineer, vlogger to banker.

Support us

To achieve their potential, all young people require opportunities to develop life skills, self-belief and comprehensive knowledge about accessing apprenticeships, higher education or high-quality employment. With your help, we can ensure that every young person receives these opportunities.