Developing new skills

Interactive and engaging, each workshop focuses on the positive ways in which students can use their existing skills and develop new ones, and how they can transfer these into both their everyday lives and, eventually, the workplace. Every activity within the package has clear learning objectives and aligns with Gatsby Benchmarks – 3: addressing the needs of each pupil, & 8: personal guidance – making them meaningful and valuable for your cohort.

This package is available for schools to purchase as part of their careers programme.

Activity 1:

Student Introduction session & Positive Mindset Workshop

After a short introduction, students will participate in a workshop designed to help them develop a positive mindset so they are better prepared to overcome challenges in the future. The students will also explore their understanding of ’employability’ – what it means and how they can identify and develop the key skills valued by employers. The day will finish with the Psychometric Profiling questionnaire, completion of which will generate an individual personal profile for each student.

Activity 2:

Personality Profiling Workshop

Through a series of challenging activities students will develop a greater understanding of who they are and will learn to talk more confidently about their personality, preferences and strengths. They will be able to recognise the value of their own traits and learning styles and how to apply these to a working environment. They will talk positively about their own skills for learning and personal development, and will explore different careers that may suit their personality. Students will be presented with their personal profile booklet and will be shown how to understand and utilise the information within it.

Activity 3:

Communicate with Confidence Workshop

Students will develop their communication skills and confidence through a variety of speaking activities. They will also learn how to be a good audience member when listening to others. Throughout the day students will reflect on their performances and identify what success looks like and what improvements need to be made, and apply these to the next challenge. By the end of the day students will better understand how to communicate with a range of different people in a variety of situations, with a particular focus on communication as a key interview and employability skill.

Contact us

Please contact us for more details or to discuss individual requirements.