Supporting our students

The programme currently serves two schools in the Weston area, one school in the Bridgwater area and 4 schools in Taunton. We work very closely with Bridgwater & Taunton College and Weston College.

In cohorts of 15 students, the programme aims to raise awareness of the opportunities provided by apprenticeships. It seeks to improve self-confidence by developing the students’ understanding of their own personality traits and how these relate to employer requirements. As well as receiving public speaking training and personality profiling, the students visit a number of high-quality work environments.

Our current partners include Thatchers and Wessex Water.

"Never believed we could work in such a posh building, I’d like to do this when I’m older."

Bridgwater Teacher Feedback

 “I was really pleased with the [Wessex Water] day, I thought that there was real value in the students hearing from current apprentices, hearing their backstories and generally planting that seed of possibility. The staff were great with them and didn’t lose them as an audience for a second. Engagement throughout was excellent with some great questions on the tour and no one sitting out of the activities.” 

Weston Student Feedback

“Did not know what to expect [from the Mendip Outdoors day] but really enjoyed getting muddy and learning how to work in a team.”